Dr. James Horvath has been the Senior Pastor of Calvary Lighthouse Church (www.calvarylighthouse.com) since 1987 and the founder and recognized CEO of James Horvath Ministries (www.jameshorvathministries.org) and the leader of the P4J
(Philippines4Jesus) the movement which is responsible for having led more than 1/2 million souls to Christ over the past 20 years (www.philippines4jesus.com).
Calvary Lighthouse is an “Apostolic Regional Church" made up of people who come from 55 surrounding cities. Dr. Horvath has led the church through three building programs, the first being a million dollar project, the most recent being a 2.5 million dollar addition to an existing million dollar facility, and a major land expansion purchase. There are over 75 different Adult, Youth & Children's ministries and small groups that have been raised up by Dr. Horvath including the Great Miracles Bible Institute (in co-operation with Oral Roberts University). JHM is the international extension of Dr. Horvath's ministry has extended to many nations including; New Zealand, Europe (Brussels, Switzerland, Holland), U.K. (Ireland, Scotland, England), Israel, Jamaica, Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, Cameron, Mexico, and in the U.S. with a major thrust in the nation of the Philippines. JHM has led crusades (averaging 30,000 in attendance) and Schools of Ministry in 35+ cities of the Philippines and has worked with major leaders of 20,000 denominations and para-church ministries and more than 32,000 churches. To date, JHM has led over 1 million souls to Christ and is working on its next major Apostolic Initiative in Ireland called I4J.
Dr. Horvath has an earned Doctorate of Ministry from Oral Roberts University and was a part of the Executive Fast Track program by the personal invitation of President Richard Roberts (also included in his class of nine were Dr. Bob Rodgers, Billy Joe Daugherty, Bishop Michael Reid, Dean Clarence Boyd and others). He also has a Master's of Divinity degree from ORU, a B.A. in Biblical Studies from Central Bible College, and a background in engineering in from Ohio State University prior to entering the ministry.
Dr. Horvath authored He’s Coming Soon (Charisma/ Creation House) and is has finished four other books including The Sinner's Prayer and God’s End-Time Plan of Glory, The Trinity: You Can Understand It!, Nations in the Balance (a commentary on the book & life of Daniel). He is a regular host of TBN's Chicago flagship “Praise the Lord” Show.
Dr. James and Rev. Michele were married in 1986 and have seven children (Jonathan, Rachael, Joseph, Joshua, Gabriel, Philip and Micah), and one grandchild (Wesson).